Context Plus CFP Standard 2 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel (CFP702-4)


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Conventional Fire Alarm Panel CFP702-4 adalah panel control fire alarm sistem deteksi kebakaran convensional 2 zone yang telah tersertifikasi LPCB sesuai standar EN54-2/4.

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Conventional Fire Alarm Panel CFP702-4 adalah panel control fire alarm sistem deteksi kebakaran convensional 2 zone yang telah tersertifikasi LPCB sesuai standar EN54-2/4.

Panel ini menawarkan:

  • 2 zone detektor dengan 4 sirkuit sounder convensional
  • Desain casing plastik modern (flush/surface mounted)
  • Dilengkapi input perubahan kelas dan peringatan
  • Relay kebakaran dan gangguan terintegrasi
  • Sistem keamanan kombinasi keypad/kunci
  • Fitur teknis meliputi delay zone yang dapat diatur, fasilitas coincidence & non-latching zone
  • Dilengkapi sistem pengujian dan pencarian gangguan
  • Tersedia opsional repeater dan papan ekspansi relay
  • Harga kompetitif dengan fitur lengkap untuk pengguna dan installer

Cocok untuk instalasi sistem alarm kebakaran skala kecil-menengah yang membutuhkan sistem yang andal dan mudah dioperasikan.

Power Supply Specification
Mains supply voltage 230V 50/60Hz
Mains rated current 350mA maximum
Internal power supply
19V – 28.5V (27V nominal). Ripple 7V maximum (battery fault)
Total output current limited to
1.5A @ 230Vac (ImaxA = 146mA)
Supply and battery charger monitored for failure
YES (battery charger is also temperature compensated)
Batteries monitored for disconnection and failure YES
Batteries protected against deep discharge
YES (Deep discharge cut off approx. 21 volts)
Max. battery size and type
2 x 12V 3.2Ah VRLA connected in series (use YUASA NP3.2-12 for LPCB approved systems)
Minimum battery size = 1.2Ah
Mains fuse
240V 1A HRC ceramic 20mm compliant with IEC (EN60127 PT2)
Battery fuse
1.6A F 20mm compliant with IEC (EN60127 PT2)
Current draw from battery (Mains failed) 1.5A maximum


Detector Circuit Specification
Number of circuits/zones
2 (CFP702-4), 4 (CFP704-4) or 8 (CFP704-8)
Max cable length per circuit 500 metres
Cable type
Fire resistant screened cable, minimum conductor size 1mm2
Connector blocks
Plug-on type, largest acceptable conductor size 1.5mm2
Line monitored for open circuit and short circuit
YES – DC monitoring
Line monitored for detector removal
YES – end of line monitoring device modules provided
Max. allowable impedance (each conductor) 20 Ohm
Max. cable capacitance 0.27uF
Call point resistor value 470 to 680 Ohm
Max. number of smoke/heat detectors per zone 25
Max. combined number of detectors & call points 32 per zone



Sounder Circuit Specification
Number of circuits 4
Max cable length per circuit 500 metres
Cable type
Fire resistant screened cable, minimum conductor size 1mm2
Connector blocks
Plug-on type, largest acceptable conductor size 1.5mm2
End of line resistor value
6800 ohm 5% Tol. 0.25W (blue, grey, red, gold)
Each circuit monitored for open and short circuit
YES – reverse voltage DC monitoring. Indicated by common fault
Alarm voltage
27V maximum, 20V minimum (final battery voltage)
Sounder circuit fuses (one per circuit)
Resettable type (200mA min. hold current; 400mA max. trip current; 50mA when tripped. Reset when faults removed)
Max. total sounder output current to all outputs 4 x 200mA = 800mA
Max. No. of bells @ 25mA 32
Max. No. of electronic sounders @ 20mA
40 (sounders must be polarised)


Auxiliary Relay Outputs
Aux. Fire relay output (AUX)
Voltage-free single pole changeover; Max switching current 1A; Max. switching voltage 30Vdc voltage 30Vdc
Fault relay output (FAULT)
Voltage-free single pole changeover; Max switching current 1A; Max. switching


Auxiliary Open Collector Outputs
Reset output (RESET)
Non-monitored open collector type; Active during reset cycle; Max. sink current 30mA; Max. open circuit voltage 27Vdc
Remote output (REM)
Non-monitored open collector type; Active during any unsilenced fire condition (provided all relevant delays have expired); Max. sink current 30mA; Max. open circuit voltage 27Vdc
24V aux power output (for use with the above)
Output protected by a resettable fuse (100mA min. hold current). Resets when fault removed


Auxiliary Inputs
Class Change (makes sounders sound continuously)
Connect to OV to trigger. Max. input voltage 27V (non-latching)
Alert (makes sounders pulse intermittently)
Connect to OV to trigger. Max. input voltage 27V (non-latching)


User & Engineer Controls
General user controls (access level one) User & Engineer Controls
Authorised user controls (access level two) “Silence alarm sounders; Activate alarm sounders; Reset the system; Test the lamps; (Entry via keypad code or keyswitch); Disable/enable zones; Disable/enable fault output; Disable/enable remote output; Disable/enable sounders; Disable/enable auxiliary output; Disable/enable output delays”
Engineer controls (access level three)
Program coincidence (double knock); Invoke one man walk test; Program delays; Set up zones for non-latching operation; Program sounders to resound (or not resound) when a new zone enters alarm; Enter fault diagnostic facilities


External indicators
General fire; Zone fire; Zone fault; Zone disabled; Zone test; Supply present; Remote output activated; Remote output status; Test; Accessed; General disablement; Fault output status; General fault; System fault; Repeater fault; System status; Sounder status; Power supply fault; Auxiliary output status; Output delays
Internal indicators
System fault (distinguishes between watchdog, site memory and phase lock loop faults); Zone fault (distinguishes between open circuit and short circuit faults); Hazardous voltages present; Repeater fault (indicates which repeaters, if fitted, are faulty)


Physical size
Size = 380 x 235 x 96mm approx.
1.75kg (without batteries)


Operating conditions
The components are selected to operate within their specification when the environmental conditions outside the enclosure comply with class 3k3 of IEC 721-3-3:1978. Temperature range: -5 to + 40°C. Maximum relative humidity: 95%

LPCB approval Certificate for Context Plus XFP and CFP panels

CFP 2-8 Zone Panel, KeypadKeyswitch Entry, Does Not Extend, LPCB Certified To EN54-24

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